What is Fairy Margarine?
Fairy margarine has been helping create magic for more than 90 years. Developed in 1930’s Fairy margarine quickly became popular with busy families who wanted a fail proof traditional margarine for home baking and cooking. For decades Fairy margarine has been used in Australia and its special blend of animal fats produces outstanding baking results. From birthday parties, cakes and baking special treats, Fairy margarine has always been associated with fun, family and sweet childhood memories.

Visiting Grandmothers
There are many of us whose thought of a visit to Grandmothers place would not evoke fond memories … the waft of hot scones greeting us as we walk up the path to her door… the anticipation of her kind smiling face as we wait for her to answer impatient knocks ..and- most of all-the special treats she would inevitably make appear from some dark corner of her pantry.
Times have changed. But the loving care that goes into home baking can never be replaced. We have collected on our Fairy margarine website some of Grandma’s original recipes to cherish and enjoy for generations to come.
Some great Baking tips from Fairy margarine
- If you have to melt the Fairy margarine in a recipe, you can save time by cutting it into smaller pieces first.
- When turning a cake out to cool, cover a cooling tray with a folded clean tea towel before turning the top of the cake onto it…This will avoid wire marks on the top of the cake…then remove tin and turn the cake quickly back onto its base on a second wire cooling tray.
- When preparing baking tins, follow this golden rule:
- Biscuit Trays: Brush with melted Fairy margarine base line with greaseproof paper, brush again with melted Fairy margarine.
- Deep cake tins: Brush with melted Fairy margarine, completely line with greaseproof paper and brush again with melted Fairy margarine.
- If your plain biscuits or cookies have gone soft during storage, pop them into a moderate oven for a few minutes and they will crispen up again.
- When baking pastry flans, place a baking tray underneath for easier handling
- If reheating a pastry-topped pie in the oven, cover pastry with a sheet of wet greaseproof to prevent it from toughening.
- Turn on your oven 10 minutes before needed, setting at the temperature stated in the recipe, your oven will have then reached correct temperature.